Changing “Google Webmasters Central” to “Google Search Central”

As all the webmaster known individual knows that Google has disabled the Indexing Request over Google Webmasters. And from then the period of darkness starts for the SEO person or Webmasters. But there is always a ray of hope rise by passing time. Similar to it Google WebMasters has recently Announced that they are Changing the name from “Google Webmasters Central” to “Google Search Central“.
So it’s time to say Goodbye to the Google Webmasters and welcome the Google Search Central.
But the question is there are any changes in looks and what could be the new sidekick for GoogleBot. So here we are going to discuss some facts & changes that you may experience in the future in your NEW GOOGLE SEARCH CENTRAL.
Why is Google Changing the Name to Google Search Central?
Well, there is a strong point for changing the name from Webmasters to Search is the word that describes that what a person does over a site to get searched. To correct your fact that Webmasters is known from the day when there was Google Search Engine not launched. And the meaning of WebMasters brings the sharp nick for the World Wide Web. Also, the professional starts addressing themselves as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) person, Web Developer, and whatnot. That’s the reason Google followed the trend that people prefer more.
But they have the same goal to increase the visibility of the best result over the search engine.
When the Changing Names Will Be Affective?
Google hasn’t confirmed the date yet when they are going to apply the changes of Google Webmasters Central to Google Search Central. But they have disclosed that in the next couple of days you may see the changes. So you need to wait for 3 to 5 days.
Google Webmasters Central to Google Search Central Highlights of Changes
- Search Console Help Center will be the only place where you can find out the Search Console Documentation
- Google’s Webmasters Help Community Changes to Google Search Central Community
- Social Media Accounts will be now changed to Google Search Central
- They are moving 13+ blogs to a centralized place to make access and uses of documentation really easy
- Switching between language while going through the documentation and localized blogs
Major URL’s Changes
Google is also redirecting and changing the URLs of previous blogs and shifting the content from one social media platform to a newly named platform. All archived and previous blogs will be available over
Wrapping Up
Hope so you have got almost all the vital information that you need to know as a Search Engine Person. Because Webmaster is not going to be preferred anymore. However, let’s hope with new changes there will be positive points for the website with indexing issues. Do comment and share your view on these changes.