How to pick a Domain Name?- A Complete Guide for Beginners

Want to make your presence online? Picking a domain name is the first and foremost step in making your existence online. Before this, you have to know clearly about the Domain Name. You can check out our previous blog for getting a complete understanding of What is Domain Name? Every website needs a catchy domain that will attract visitors to your website. Picking up the right domain name is not an easy task. You have to do lots of research on finding a perfect one. To get the right domain name, you need to know how to pick a domain name? Here are some of the steps which you have to follow before buying a domain name:

  • Choose a reliable domain provider.
  • Find your domain on the domain availability checker tool
  • Search your domain name on the search bar
  • Pick the right domain name
  • Finalize your order
  • At last, verify the ownership

10 Best Tips before Purchasing a Domain Name

Before purchasing a domain name, you have to consider certain things. You have to do proper research, after all, it will show your identity over the internet. These are some of the best tips which you should keep in mind:

Do your Complete Research

do your complete research

It is very important to know what is the demand of the average users. Select that domain that is highly searched by visitors. This will help you to find a suitable domain that shows your project and the purpose of being online.

Make your Domain Catchy and Easy to Remember

Make your Domain catchy and easy to remember

Keep in mind that do not choose a domain name that is difficult to pronounce. Make your domain name catchy and short. This will make visitors easy to remember. A domain name is a thing through which a person can visit you again and again on your page. And if you have chosen a short and easy domain name then the visitors can easily visit your page.

Choose .com Domain Extension as much as you can

Choose .com Domain Extension as much as you can

Nowadays .com domain extension has highly used the extension. Most people use this domain extension. So it is very popular and easy to recognize by the users.

Avoid Numbers and Hyphens

Numbers and hyphens make variations in domain names but it creates lots of misunderstanding. Sometimes the users get misunderstood. For example, people can mistake the number 3 with (three) or 0 with the word”o”. So avoiding numbers and hyphens may be a better idea.

Find on Social Media

Find on Social Media

If you have a rough diagram of your domain name on your mind then loot it on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many more. And if you are not planning to start up then just reserve a page for it. At least this will ensure that it will be not taken by others.

Search for Close Substitute

If you have already taken the domain name then think of the possible mistype variation of the domain which will directly convey your traffic towards you. For example,, if you will type this domain name then you will directly visit their main Facebook page.

Target your Niche

As we all know that the domain name cannot be changed. If you are purchasing a domain name then it is for the future. It can’t be changed. So, do not purchase a domain name overlooking the current moment. It is a long term investment.

Get Ideas from Online Advisers and Tools

Get Ideas from Online Advisers and Tools

There are lots of online advisers and tools available over the internet. You can get ideas from them also before considering any domain name for your website. You can also consider with your friends, family, and colleagues.

Do not Go with Existing Brand Name

Do not Go with Existing Brand Name

Choosing the existing brand name will become a hurdle for you. Try to choose the domain name which only represents you. Choosing the existing domain name will not represent your unique identity.

Final Words

In this guide, we have learned how to pick a domain name?  These are some of the important tips which you have to follow while choosing a domain name for your website. I hope this article helps you to select the appropriate domain name for your website.

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